Paslode 1st Fix Gas Nail Gun 7.4v 3.3Kg (2024)





Home Hire Power Tools Fixing Nail Guns Paslode IM350+ 1st Fix Gas Nail Gun 7.4v 3.3kg

Paslode IM350+ 1st Fix Gas Nail Gun 7.4v 3.3kgECO

Paslode 1st Fix Gas Nail Gun 7.4v 3.3Kg (11)
Paslode 1st Fix Gas Nail Gun 7.4v 3.3Kg (12)

', '

'], autoHeight: false, onInitialized: function() { $('.product-images-carousel .owl-carousel.owl-loaded').show(); }, onRefreshed: function() { window.setTimeout(function() { $('.product-images-carousel .owl-carousel.owl-loaded').css('visibility', 'visible'); }, 500); } }); }); });

Paslode 1st Fix Gas Nail Gun 7.4v 3.3Kg (13) 4 hour delivery
if ordered by 3pm

Paslode 1st Fix Gas Nail Gun 7.4v 3.3Kg (14) Click and collect
from over 200 stores

Paslode IM350+ 1st Fix Gas Nail Gun 7.4v 3.3kgECO

The Paslode IM350+ Cordless Gas 1st Fix Framing Nailer is designed for fixing into wood with strip nails from 50 to 90mm. The nailer uses combined gas and battery, it is lightweight and versatile with tool-free depth adjustment to drive nails to a pre-set

£32.51 1st Day

Weekend (2d) £43.34

Week £54.18

Extra Day £10.84


Sign in to see your bespoke prices.

Reserve this product now for collection before midday on 02/12/2024 at your local branch

If this product is for domestic use then please check recommended options for additional products

Not a customer? OPEN AN ACCOUNT


We can't seem to find the postcode you have entered, please try again.

Click & Collect



"; } function ReenableElements(element) { $("#checkAvailabilityLoader").remove(); if (element) { $(element).removeAttr('disabled'); } } $(postcodeVal).keyup(function () { if ($(postcodeFind).is(":visible")) { let text = this.value; let result = postcodeRegexValidation.test(text); if (result) { $(postcodeFind).click(); } } return; }); $(document).ready(function () { $(postcodeVal).keyup(); }); $(postcodeFind).click(function () { if ($(this).attr('disabled') == "disabled") { return false; } var postcodeValue; if (postcodeVal && postcodeVal.val()) { postcodeValue = $("#postcode").val(); } if (!postcodeValue) { return; } postcodeFind.append(GetLoaderHtml("")); postcodeFind.attr('disabled', 'disabled'); var postcodeLookupParams = { LinkId: lookupAddressLinkId, Postcode: postcodeValue }; var fetchPostcodeAddresses = function () { $.ajax({ url: `${window.location.origin}/checkoutPostcodeLookup`, data: postcodeLookupParams, method: 'post', async: false, success: function (data) { addresses = data; var innerHtmlSelector = selectedAddressPicker.html(); if (addresses.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < addresses.length; i++) { innerHtmlSelector += "

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'); if (!isBlackListed) { errorMessageContainer.html(''); errorMessageContainer.hide(); fetchPostcodeAddresses(); } else { errorMessageContainer.html("

" + message + "

");; selectedAddressContainer.hide(); selectedAddressPicker.html(""); } }).always(function () { ReenableElements(postcodeFind); }); }); $("#selectAddressPicker").on('change', function (event) { var selectedAddress = addresses[$("#selectAddressPicker").val()]; $('#addressValue_Street').val(selectedAddress.Street); $('#addressValue_City').val(selectedAddress.City); $('#addressValue_County').val(selectedAddress.County); $('#addressValue_PostCode').val(selectedAddress.Postcode); $('#addressValue_Country').val(selectedAddress.Country == "" ? "UK" : selectedAddress.Country); $('#addressValue_Name').val(selectedAddress.Name); }); $(document).on('deliveryAddress.added', function (event, deliveryAddress) { addresses.push(deliveryAddress); var displayText = [deliveryAddress.Street, deliveryAddress.AddressLine2, deliveryAddress.City].filter(Boolean).join(", "); manualIndex = addresses.length - 1; var opt = document.createElement('option'); opt.value = manualIndex; opt.innerHTML = displayText; $("#selectAddressPicker").append(opt); $("#selectAddressPicker").val(manualIndex); $("#selectAddressPicker").trigger('change'); $(postcodeVal).val(deliveryAddress.Postcode); $(selectedAddressContainer).show(); }); }); });

Can`t find your address? Enter manually.

"; } function ReenableElements(element) { $("#checkAvailabilityLoader").remove(); if (element) { $(element).removeAttr('disabled'); } } form.validate({ rules: { street: { required: true }, city: { required: true }, postcodeinput: { required: true, regex: /^(([A-Z][0-9]{1,2})|(([A-Z][A-HJ-Y][0-9]{1,2})|(([A-Z][0-9][A-Z])|([A-Z][A-HJ-Y][0-9]?[A-Z])))) ?[0-9][A-Z]{2}$/i }, }, messages: { street: { required: "Address 1 is required" }, city: { required: "City/Town is required" }, postcodeinput: { required: "Postcode is required", regex: "Please enter a valid Postcode" } } }); $(document).on("submit", "#deliveryAddressForm", function (event) { event.preventDefault(); if ($(this).attr('disabled') == "true") { return false; } var deliveryAddress = { Address: { Street: $("#street").val(), AddressLine2: $("#addressline2").val(), City: $("#city").val(), County: $("#county").val(), Postcode: $("#postcodeinput").val(), Country: "", Name: "" }, LinkId: deliveryAddressLinkId, DeliveryInstructions: "" }; deliveryAddressBtnSubmitBtn.append(GetLoaderHtml('')); deliveryAddressBtnSubmitBtn.attr('disabled', 'true'); $.ajax({ url: "/setCheckoutDelivery", type: 'PUT', data: deliveryAddress, success: function () { $(document).trigger("deliveryAddress.added", deliveryAddress.Address); deliveryAddressFormModal.modal('hide'); form.trigger('reset') }, complete: function () { ReenableElements(deliveryAddressBtnSubmitBtn); } }); }); //custom regex validate $.validator.addMethod("regex", function (value, element, regexp) { return regexp.test(value); }); form.on('', function (e) { form.trigger("reset"); $("#deliveryAddressFormModal label.error").hide(); }) }); });

Change postcode

Change delivery address


Change delivery dates

When you have completed your job and no longer require your hired equipment, you can off-hire it. To do this:

  • Equipment can be off hired quickly and easily via the Speedy App and MySpeedy section of (registered users only).
  • Contact the issuing depot or department directly. The contract paperwork supplied at the time of collection / delivery contains the contact details for the relevant depot or department that can arrange off-hire for you.
  • If you do not have the necessary paperwork to hand, please contact our Customer services department on 0800 500 3993 who will check your account and identify the issuing depot / department on your behalf.

    Please note: It is the responsibility of the customer to keep all equipment safe and secure during the hire period until it is collected by or returned to Speedy.

Charges will cease once:
  • Speedy have given you a collection or off hire number;
  • The equipment is returned or collected by Speedy in a clean and serviceable condition; and
  • Speedy has provided you with a receipt.

` }); () { tooltipInfoIcon.tooltip('show') window.tooltipOpenedContentSquare(`hire-product-page`); }); $(document).on('click', `#close-tooltip-of-partial-fe3e6848-ff84-436a-b71e-c063457337f4`, function () { tooltipInfoIcon?.tooltip('hide') window.tooltipClosedContentSquare(); }); tooltipInfoIcon.on('', function () { const arrowMargin = 20; const tooltipId = tooltipInfoIcon?.attr('aria-describedby'); if (!tooltipId) return; const currentTooltip = $(`#${tooltipId}`); const newLeft = tooltipInfoIcon?.position()?.left - arrowMargin; currentTooltip?.css({ left: newLeft + 'px' }) const arrow = currentTooltip?.find('.tooltip-arrow') arrow?.css({ left: arrowMargin + 7 }) }) } }); }) })

- +

"); deliveryOptions.empty(); } else { DeliveryOptionsLoading(); GetDeliveryOptions(); } } else { DeliveryOptionsLoading(); GetDeliveryOptions(); } changeDates.text(deliverDateText); } } else { ShowInputForm(); } } function PersistedFormShouldShow() { return (currentPurchaseType == "collect" && startDate.length > 0 && endDate.length > 0 && persistedPostcode.length > 0) || (currentPurchaseType == "deliver" && startDate.length > 0 && endDate.length > 0 && persistedPostcode.length > 0 && selectedDeliveryAddress.length > 0); } // looks at the current excluded dates and saved start date to determine if if is valid function SavedDateIsValid() { if (startDate.length > 0) { const now = moment().format("YYYY-MM-DD"); const hireStartDate = moment(startDate, formattedDatesFormat).format("YYYY-MM-DD"); if (moment(hireStartDate).isBefore(now)) ClearPersistedValues(); if (disabledDates.indexOf(hireStartDate) > -1) ClearPersistedDates(); } } // clears the dates from all globals and elements function ClearPersistedDates() { startDate = ""; endDate = ""; if (hireStart) hireStart.val(""); if (hireEnd) hireEnd.val(""); if (calendar) calendar.val(""); if (":visible")) ShowInputForm(); } if (isAvailableForSalesItems || !isSalesItem) { LoadCalendar(); function LoadCalendar() { AddDatePicker(calendarId, allowWeekends, disabledDates, friendlyDateFormat, calendarDateFormat, formattedDatesFormat, startDate, endDate); } } HideErrorMessages(); // functions function GetLoaderHtml(label) { return "

" + label + "

"; } function BuildFindDepotsButton() { const deliveryChargeP = $("#deliveryChargeMessage"); if (deliveryChargeP) { deliveryChargeP.remove(); } var text = topProduct == "true" ? checkText : noCheckText; var html = BuildDeliveryOptionHtml(text, "", "", "", "checkAvailabilitySubmit", "checkAvailabilityText", ""); if (false) { if (noSiteAddressesAvailable) { noSiteAddresses.empty(); noSiteAddresses.html("

There are no site addresses linked to account C00051825

"); deliveryOptions.empty(); } else { deliveryOptions.html(html); } } else { deliveryOptions.html(html); } } function ChangeActionButtonText(hireStartDate) { let today = moment({ h: 0, m: 0, s: 0, ms: 0 }).toDate(); let tomorrow = moment({ h: 0, m: 0, s: 0, ms: 0 }).add(1, "days").toDate(); checkAvailability = false; ownTransport = false; if (hireStartDate.valueOf() === today.valueOf() || (hireStartDate.valueOf() === tomorrow.valueOf() && moment().hours() > 12)) { checkAvailability = topProduct; ownTransport = true; } BuildFindDepotsButton(); $("#checkAvailabilityText").html(checkAvailability == "true" ? checkText : noCheckText); } function ShowInputForm() { if (hireDatesForm) {; } if (persistedDatesForm) { persistedDatesForm.hide(); } depotResult.innerHTML = ""; } function HideInputForm() { if (hireDatesForm) { hireDatesForm.hide(); } if (persistedDatesForm) {; } } function ValidateRelevantPostCode() { const validPostcode = showApprovedAddress == "false" ? isValidPostcode() : isValidDeliveryPostcode(); if (validPostcode) { $(errorMessagePostcode).hide(); } return validPostcode; } function isValidPostcode() { if (postcodeElement && (postcodeElement.val() && postcodeElement.val().length > 0) || (persistedPostcode && persistedPostcode.length > 0)) { postcodeValue = ((postcodeElement && postcodeElement.val().length > 0) ? postcodeElement.val() : persistedPostcode).replace(/\s+/g, ''); var postcodeRegEx = /^(([A-Z][0-9]{1,2})|(([A-Z][A-HJ-Y][0-9]{1,2})|(([A-Z][0-9][A-Z])|([A-Z][A-HJ-Y][0-9]?[A-Z])))) ?[0-9][A-Z]{2}$/i; return postcodeRegEx.test(postcodeValue); } ShowPostcodeError(); return false; } function isValidDeliveryPostcode() { if (deliveryAddressLocation.PostCode.val()) { postcodeValue = deliveryAddressLocation.PostCode.val(); var postcodeRegEx = /^(([A-Z][0-9]{1,2})|(([A-Z][A-HJ-Y][0-9]{1,2})|(([A-Z][0-9][A-Z])|([A-Z][A-HJ-Y][0-9]?[A-Z])))) ?[0-9][A-Z]{2}$/i; return postcodeRegEx.test(postcodeValue); } ShowPostcodeError(); return false; } function FormIsValid() { if (!(postcodeElement && hireStart && hireEnd)) { ShowFormError('

Search is unavailable at this time

'); return; } if (':visible') && !isValidPostcode()) { ShowPostcodeError(); return; } if (':visible') && !isValidDeliveryPostcode()) { ShowPostcodeError(); return; } if (isAvailableForSalesItems || !isSalesItem) { if (!(hireStart && hireStart.val())) { ShowDateError(); return; } if (!(hireEnd && hireEnd.val())) { ShowDateError(); return; } } return true; } function DeliveryOptionsLoading() { deliveryOptions.empty(); deliveryOptions.append(GetLoaderHtml("")); } function showProductOffhireTooltip() { offhireTooltipContainer?.css({ display: 'block' }) } function hideProductOffhireTooltip() { offhireTooltipContainer?.css({ display: 'none' }) } function GetDeliveryOptions() { if ($('#addressValue_PostCode').val().length == 0 || $('#addressValue_Street').val().length == 0) { deliveryOptions.empty(); ReenableElements(); hideProductOffhireTooltip(); return; } var useDeliveryAddressPostcode = showApprovedAddress == 'true' ? true : false; showProductOffhireTooltip(); var siteStreetValue = $('#siteAddressValue_SiteStreet').val(); var siteCityValue = $('#siteAddressValue_SiteCity').val(); var siteCountyValue = $('#siteAddressValue_SiteCounty').val(); var sitePostCodeValue = $('#siteAddressValue_SitePostCode').val(); var siteCountryValue = $('#siteAddressValue_SiteCountry').val(); var siteNameValue = $('#siteAddressValue_SiteName').val(); $.ajax({ method: "GET", url: '/bcms-speedycatalogue/Catalogue/GetDeliveryOptions', data: { deliveryOptionsLinkId: deliveryOptionsLInkId, postcode: postcodeValue, startDate: hireStart.val(), endDate: hireEnd.val(), addressLookupLinkId: addressLookupLinkId, deliveryAddressName: deliveryAddressLocation.Name.val(), deliveryAddressCity: deliveryAddressLocation.City.val(), deliveryAddressStreet: deliveryAddressLocation.Street.val(), deliveryAddressCounty: deliveryAddressLocation.County.val(), deliveryAddressCountry: deliveryAddressLocation.Country.val(), deliveryAddressPostCode: deliveryAddressLocation.PostCode.val(), useDeliveryAddressPostcode: useDeliveryAddressPostcode, isSalesItem: isSalesItem, siteStreetValue: siteStreetValue, siteCityValue: siteCityValue, siteCountyValue: siteCountyValue, sitePostCodeValue: sitePostCodeValue, siteCountryValue: siteCountryValue, siteNameValue: siteNameValue } }).done(function (result) { if (result) { errorMessage.hide(); if (currentPurchaseType == "deliver") { if (result.DeliveryOptions && result.DeliveryOptions.length > 0) { deliveryOptions.empty(); for (var i = 0; i < result.DeliveryOptions.length; i++) { const container = $(".add-to-basket-wrapper"); var deliveryOption = result.DeliveryOptions[i]; const deliveryMessage = $("#deliveryChargeMessage"); var deliveryMessageText = deliveryOption.Text.toLowerCase(); deliveryMessage.hide(); if (deliveryMessageText.indexOf("today") > -1 || deliveryMessageText.indexOf("4 hr") > -1) { if (container && $(container).has(deliveryMessage).length == 0) { container.prepend(deliveryChargeMessage);; } } var html = BuildDeliveryOptionHtml(deliveryOption.Text, deliveryOption.DeliveryCost, deliveryOption.Tag, deliveryOption.TagColour, "deliverySubmit", "", "delivery-option-button"); deliveryOptions.append(html); if (deliveryOption.TCLink != "") { deliveryTcs.append("

" + deliveryOption.TCLink + "

"); } } } else if (result.MessageHtml != null || result.Message != null) { if (result.MessageHtml != null) { deliveryOptions.append(result.MessageHtml); } else if (result.Message != null) { errorMessage.html(""); errorMessage.html("

" + result.Message + "

");; } if (selectedAddressContainer) selectedAddressContainer.hide(); } } } }).always(function () { ReenableElements(); }); } function BuildDeliveryOptionHtml(text, price, tag, tagColour, containerId, textId, additionalClass) { if (containerId != "") { var idContainer = "id='" + containerId + "'"; } if (textId != "") { var idText = "id='" + textId + "'"; } var html = "

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" + tag + "

"; } if (price && price != "" && price != "null") { html += "" + price + ""; } html += " " + text + "

"; return html; } $('#autocompleteResults').on('click', function (event) { var deliverySubmitBtn = $('#deliverySubmit'); if ((deliverySubmitBtn && deliverySubmitBtn.length == 0) ||':hidden')) { InitiateGetDeliveryOptions(); } }); function AddDepotResultsToPage(depots) { depotResult.append("

Select a collection depot

"); for (var i = 0; i < depots.length; i++) { let depot = depots[i]; AddDepotToList(depot); } } function AddDepotToList(depot) { let depotName = depot.DepotName; let address = BuildAddress(depot); let distance = depot.Distance ? " (" + depot.Distance + " miles )" : ""; let html = "

" + "

" + depotName + "" + distance + "

" + "

" + address + "


"; depotResult.append(html); } function BuildAddress(depot) { var address = appendAddressLine(depot.DepotStreet, false); address += appendAddressLine(depot.DepotCity, address !== "") address += appendAddressLine(depot.DepotPostCode, address !== "") return address; } function appendAddressLine(addressLine, prependComma) { if (addressLine) { return (prependComma ? ", " : "") + addressLine } return ""; } function SetFormValues(depotId, isCollection, collectionOption, deliveryOption, isRehire, loaderQuery) { if (FormIsValid()) { $(loaderQuery).append(GetLoaderHtml("")); $(loaderQuery).attr('disabled', 'disabled'); var postcode = postcodeValue; var hireStartVal = hireStart.val(); var hireEndVal = hireEnd.val(); var quantity = $(qtyInput).val(); AddToBasket(postcode, hireStartVal, hireEndVal, depotId, quantity, isCollection, collectionOption, deliveryOption, deliveryAddressLocation.Name.val(), deliveryAddressLocation.City.val(), deliveryAddressLocation.Street.val(), deliveryAddressLocation.County.val(), deliveryAddressLocation.Country.val(), deliveryAddressLocation.PostCode.val(), isRehire, loaderQuery, siteAddressLocation.SiteName.val(), siteAddressLocation.SiteCity.val(), siteAddressLocation.SiteStreet.val(), siteAddressLocation.SiteCounty.val(), siteAddressLocation.SiteCountry.val(), siteAddressLocation.SitePostCode.val()); } return false; } function AddToBasket(postcode, hireStart, hireEnd, depotId, quantity, isCollection, collectionOption, deliveryOption, deliveryAddressName, deliveryAddressCity, deliveryAddressStreet, deliveryAddressCounty, deliveryAddressCountry, deliveryAddressPostCode, isRehire, loaderQuery, siteAddressName, siteAddressCity, siteAddressStreet, siteAddressCounty, siteAddressCountry, siteAddressPostcode) { var purchaseOption = isCollection ? collectionOption : deliveryOption; if (!isCollection) { if (deliveryAddressPostCode == "") { ShowAddressError(); ReenableElements(loaderQuery); return; } } window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function calculateHireDuration() { const startDate = moment(hireStart.toString()); const endDate = moment(hireEnd.toString()); return endDate.diff(startDate, 'days') + 1; } function ga4DataLayerPushEvent(event) { var hireDurationInDays = calculateHireDuration(); var deliveryMethod = currentPurchaseType == 'collect' ? 'Click and Collect' : 'Delivery'; let itemData = {"item_id":"08/0658-h","item_name":"Paslode IM350 1st Fix Gas Nail Gun 74v 33kg","index":0,"price":54.18,"quantity":1,"item_brand":"Paslode","item_variant":"IM350+","item_list_name":"Product page","item_category":"Hire","item_category2":"Power Tools","item_category3":"Fixing","item_category4":"Nail Guns"} itemData['delivery_method'] = deliveryMethod; if (true) { itemData['hire_duration'] = hireDurationInDays; } if (selectedIsCollection) { itemData['depot_name'] = selectedDepot; } itemData['quantity'] = quantity; dataLayerReset(); window.dataLayer.push({ 'event': event, 'ecommerce': { 'currency': "GBP", 'value': 54.18* quantity, 'items': [ itemData ]} }); } $.ajax({ method: "GET", url: '/bcms-speedycatalogue/Catalogue/AddToSplitBasket', data: { addToBasketLinkId: addToBasketLinkId, postcode: postcode, hireStart: hireStart, hireEnd: hireEnd, depotId: depotId, quantity: quantity, isCollection: isCollection, collectionOption: collectionOption, deliveryOption: deliveryOption, deliveryAddressName: deliveryAddressName, deliveryAddressCity: deliveryAddressCity, deliveryAddressStreet: deliveryAddressStreet, deliveryAddressCounty: deliveryAddressCounty, deliveryAddressCountry: deliveryAddressCountry, deliveryAddressPostCode: deliveryAddressPostCode, isRehire: isRehire, withAvailability: checkAvailability, siteAddressName: siteAddressName, siteAddressCity: siteAddressCity, siteAddressStreet: siteAddressStreet, siteAddressCounty: siteAddressCounty, siteAddressCountry: siteAddressCountry, siteAddressPostcode:siteAddressPostcode }, }).done(function (result) { if (result.Success == true) { updateMiniBasket(); ga4DataLayerPushEvent("add_to_cart"); ga4DataLayerPushEvent("add_shipping_info"); OpenAddedToBasket(); UpdateBasketCount(quantity); } else { var error = "There was a problem adding this item to your basket."; if (result.Message && result.Message != "") { AddErrorResultToPage(result.Message); } else { AddErrorResultToPage(error); } } }).always(function () { ReenableElements(loaderQuery); }); } function updateMiniBasket() { const updateBasketEvent = new CustomEvent('update-mini-basket'); document.dispatchEvent(updateBasketEvent); } function UpdateBasketCount(quantity) { const basketCount = $("#basketCount"); if (basketCount) { const currentCount = parseInt($(basketCount).text()); const qty = parseInt(quantity); if (isNaN(currentCount) || isNaN(quantity)) { return; } const newQuantity = currentCount + qty; basketCount.text(newQuantity);; } } function OpenAddedToBasket() { addedToBasketContainer.append(GetLoaderHtml("")); addedToBasketContainer.css('display', 'flex'); var obj = BuildAddToSplitBasketObject(); var addedToBasketAction = ''; $.ajax({ type: "POST", data: JSON.stringify(obj), url: addedToBasketAction, contentType: "application/json" }).done(function (res) { $(addedToBasketContainer).html(res); document.dispatchEvent(openAddedToBasketModalEvent); }); } function BuildAddToSplitBasketObject() { var obj = { ProductName: 'Paslode IM350+ 1st Fix Gas Nail Gun 7.4v 3.3kg', ProductCode: '08/0658-h', IsSalesItem: isSalesItem, AdditionalAccessoryMessage: 'If this product is for domestic use then please check recommended options for additional products', Quantity: qtyInput.val(), DefaultPrice: defaultRate, Media: productMedia, GetPackageAccsLinkId: 'uCpcZLjDHF29DwJnGkAiptRwygIiaqv16Y0SemalwQYDvceJcF5Yg4ozNt/JyFzRPczYc4SNY0u+DEfcOLPPDwn4MWG88QIjjKDVDW2m/xG/NF82j5muKSZLYu8Bpsvguev2iHlgvK4Iead2+Men/6delfFs/3wC9cN9ttjPqpBELJQX79zkkG/l6Y7CW+5P9APOtT8lNwlVZukVe/6V7MJl7fa0OdSjIf8Gb6/aPIMKA4VA5aj7mkvC1y30M4NXAVXRJ/QNlRVaf0eVaaio8sLQduidq/FsFLQ33jiJlx2RDc0JxPLKP88DiwL8FT+XYWbwIrNczefGqnZn5aAfOeP88QbgzMbQWwIj7GwtAsYxgLlexhN8s4Hfm0DpHQTK', PurchaseDetails: { IsCollection: selectedIsCollection, HireStart: hireStart.val(), HireEnd: hireEnd.val(), PurchaseOption: purchaseOption, SelectedDepot: selectedDepot, SelectedDepotId: depotId, SelectedDepotDistance: selectedDepotDistance, DeliveryAddress: selectedDeliveryAddress } }; return obj; } // swaps the currently selected purchase type, changes any labels and checks to see if the currently selected values are valid for a search of delivery / collection options // if the persisted values form is available when the type is switched a check is made to ensure the currently selected dates are still valid for the new type too function ChangePurchaseType(type) { deliveryTcs.empty(); HideErrorMessages(); currentPurchaseType = type; ShowPersistedForm(); if (type == "collect") { isClickAndCollect = true; approvedAddressesNotAvailableMessage.hide(); if (!false) { approvedAddressDetails.hide(); } else { $('#approvedAddressNotListed').hide(); } allowWeekends = defaultAllowWeekends; HideDeliveryOnlyElements(); disabledDates = disabledCollectionDates; SavedDateIsValid(); $(postcodeFind).hide(); postcodeLabel.text(collectionPostcodeText); postcodeInput.attr("placeholder", collectPostcodePlaceholderText); BuildFindDepotsButton(); changeDates.text(collectDateText);;;; if (isAvailableForSalesItems || !isSalesItem) { if (hireStart.val().length > 0) { let hireStartDate = moment(startDate, formattedDatesFormat).toDate(); ChangeActionButtonText(hireStartDate); } } } else { var hasNewDeliveryAddressPermission = 'true' if (hasNewDeliveryAddressPermission) { $('#approvedAddressNotListed').show(); } isClickAndCollect = false; handleAddressListToDisplay();; allowWeekends = "false"; disabledDates = disabledDeliveryDates; SavedDateIsValid(); changeDates.text(deliverDateText); ShowDeliveryOnlyElements(); postcodeLabel.text(deliveryPostcodeText); postcodeInput.attr("placeholder", deliveryPostcodePlaceholderText); if (isAvailableForSalesItems || !isSalesItem) { if (hireStart.val().length > 0 && hireEnd.val().length > 0) { if (ValidateRelevantPostCode) { InitiateGetDeliveryOptions(); } } } else { if (ValidateRelevantPostCode) { InitiateGetDeliveryOptions(); } } $(postcodeElement).keyup(); } if (isAvailableForSalesItems || !isSalesItem) { LoadCalendar(); } } function handleAddressListToDisplay() { if (showApprovedAddress == 'true' || noApprovedAddressAvailable == 'true') { deliveryPostcodeDetails.hide();; } if (noApprovedAddressAvailable == 'true') { hireDatePickerDiv.hide(); qtyDiv.hide(); } else {;; } } function InitiateGetDeliveryOptions() { deliveryTcs.empty(); if (false) { if (noSiteAddressesAvailable) { noSiteAddresses.empty(); noSiteAddresses.html("

There are no site addresses linked to account C00051825

"); deliveryOptions.empty(); } else { DeliveryOptionsLoading(); GetDeliveryOptions(); } } else { DeliveryOptionsLoading(); GetDeliveryOptions(); } } function HideDeliveryOnlyElements() { $(postcodeFind).hide(); if (false) {; } $(deliveryAddressForm).hide(); $(deliveryAddressSection).hide(); $(selectedAddressContainer).hide(); } function ShowDeliveryOnlyElements() { $(postcodeFind).show(); $(deliveryAddressForm).show(); $(deliveryAddressSection).show(); } function AddErrorResultToPage(ErrorMsg = null) { // if no error essage set the default value if (ErrorMsg == null) { var refDate = moment(hireStart.val(), formattedDatesFormat).toDate(); var displayDate = refDate.getDate() + ' ' + refDate.toLocaleString('default', { month: 'short' }); ErrorMsg = "Unavailable within 50 miles of " + postcodeElement.val() + " on " + displayDate; } depotResult.html("

" + ErrorMsg + "

" + (isAvailableForSalesItems || !isSalesItem ? "

Change your dates for " + (isClickAndCollect ? "collection " : "delivery ") : "") + (isDeliverable && isClickAndCollect ? " or Switch to delivery" : ((isCollectable || isAvailableForSalesItems) ? "or Switch to Click & collect": "") ) + "

"); } function ReenableElements(element) { $("#" + loaderId).remove(); if (element) { $(element).removeAttr('disabled'); } } function ClearFormValues() { purchaseOption = ""; selectedDepot = ""; depotId = ""; selectedDepotDistance = ""; selectedDeliveryAddress = ""; } function ShowCalendar() { $("#" + calendarId).click(); } function HideErrorMessages() { if (errorMessage) { $(errorMessage).hide(); } if (errorMessagePostcode) { $(errorMessagePostcode).hide(); } if (errorMessageDate) { $(errorMessageDate).hide(); } } function ShowFormError(errorMsg) { HideErrorMessages(); if (errorMessage) { $(errorMessage).empty(); $(errorMsg).appendTo(errorMessage); $(errorMessage).show(); } } function ShowPostcodeError() { HideErrorMessages(); if (errorMessagePostcode) { $(errorMessagePostcode).empty(); $('

Please enter a valid postcode

').appendTo(errorMessagePostcode); $(errorMessagePostcode).show(); } } function ShowAddressError() { HideErrorMessages(); if (errorMessagePostcode) { $(errorMessagePostcode).empty(); $('

Address is required

').appendTo(errorMessagePostcode); $(errorMessagePostcode).show(); } } function ShowDateError() { HideErrorMessages(); if (errorMessageDate) { $(errorMessageDate).empty(); $('

Please enter a valid hire start and end date

').appendTo(errorMessageDate); $(errorMessageDate).show(); } } // events $(calendarIcon).on("click", function (e) { ShowCalendar(); }); $(".product-buy-option").on("click", function () { var selectedClass = "custom-rb-selected"; $(".product-buy-option").removeClass(selectedClass); $(this).addClass(selectedClass); deliveryOptions.empty(); var type = $(this).data("type"); depotResult.empty(); ChangePurchaseType(type); }); $("span[name='showForm']").on("click", function () { ShowInputForm(); deliveryOptions.empty(); var persistedData = $(this).data("persisted"); if (persistedData) { if (persistedData == "postcode") { persistedPostcode = ""; persistedDeliveryAddress = ""; postcodeElement.val(""); } } var showCal = $(this).data("showcalendar"); if (showCal) { ShowCalendar(); } }); hireEnd.on("change", function () { if (hireStart && hireStart.val() && $(this).val().length > 0) { if (currentPurchaseType == "collect") { let hireStartDate = moment(hireStart.val(), formattedDatesFormat).toDate(); ChangeActionButtonText(hireStartDate); depotResult.innerHTML = ""; } else { if (ValidateRelevantPostCode()) { InitiateGetDeliveryOptions(); }; } } }); postcodeElement.on("change", function () { if (ValidateRelevantPostCode()) { InitiateGetDeliveryOptions(); }; }); approvedAddressNotListedElement.on("click", function () { if (!false) { approvedAddressDetails.hide(); approvedAddressesForm.hide(); };; deliveryOptions.hide(); showApprovedAddress = 'false'; }); $(selectedAddressPicker).change(function () { if (ValidateRelevantPostCode()) {; InitiateGetDeliveryOptions(); } }); $(document).on("click", "#changeYourDates", function () { ShowInputForm(); ShowCalendar(); }); $(document).on("click", "#switchToDelivery", function () { var delButton = $("#deliveryBuyOption"); if (delButton) { $("#deliveryBuyOption").click(); } }); $(document).on("click", "#switchToClickAndCollect", function () { var clickAndCollectBtn = $("#clickAndCollectBuyOption"); if (clickAndCollectBtn) { $("#clickAndCollectBuyOption").click(); } }); $(document).on("click", "#clickAndCollectBuyOption", function () { if (isAvailableForSalesItems) $("#datePickerLabel").text(salesCollectionDateLabelText); }); $(document).on("click", "#deliveryBuyOption", function () { if (isAvailableForSalesItems) $("#datePickerLabel").text(salesDeliveryDateLabelText); }); $(document).on("click", ".depot-select-button", function () { if ($(this).attr('disabled') == "disabled") return false; ClearFormValues(); depotId = $(this).data("depotid"); selectedDepot = $(this).data("depotname"); selectedDepotDistance = $(this).data("depotdistance"); purchaseOption = "Click & Collect"; selectedIsCollection = true; if (depotId) { depotResult.append(GetLoaderHtml("")); SetFormValues(depotId, true, purchaseOption, "", false, ".depot-select-button"); } }); $(document).on("click", "#checkAvailabilitySubmit", function (e) { if ($(this).attr('disabled') == "disabled") { return false; } else { const btn = $(this); let buttonText = $("#checkAvailabilityText").text(); if (FormIsValid()) { window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; window.dataLayer.push({ 'event': 'checkAvailability', 'action': buttonText.replace(' ', ''), 'data': productId + ',' + hireStart.val() + ',' + hireEnd.val() }); $(this).attr('disabled', 'disabled'); HideErrorMessages(); $(this).append(GetLoaderHtml("")); depotResult.innerHTML = ""; $.ajax({ method: "GET", url: '/bcms-speedycatalogue/Catalogue/GetCheckAvailabilityDepots', data: { postcode: postcodeValue, hireStart: hireStart.val(), hireEnd: hireEnd.val(), ownTransport: ownTransport, checkAvailability: checkAvailability, lapc: addressLookupLinkId, lnd: lookupDepotLinkId, productQty: qtyElement.val(), isClickAndCollect: isClickAndCollect } }).done(function (result) { depotResult.empty(); if (!result.Success) { // show error if something went wrong AddErrorResultToPage(result.Message); } else { //show available messages if any exists if (result && result.Depots && result.Depots.length > 0) { AddDepotResultsToPage(result.Depots); } else { AddErrorResultToPage(); } } }).always(function () { ReenableElements(btn); }); } } }); $(document).on("click", ".delivery-option-button", function () { if ($(this).attr('disabled') == "disabled") return false; ClearFormValues(); purchaseOption = $(this).data("option"); selectedDeliveryAddress = BuildDeliveryString(); selectedIsCollection = false; if (purchaseOption) { SetFormValues("", false, "", purchaseOption, false, ".delivery-option-button"); } }); // date picker function AddDatePicker(datepickerElementId, allowWeekends, disabledDates, friendlyDateFormat, calendarDateFormat, formattedDatesFormat, startDate, endDate) { var disabledDays = []; var isoFormat = formattedDatesFormat; var calendarDateFormat = calendarDateFormat; var userFriendlyFormat = friendlyDateFormat; var formattedDate1 = $("#" + datepickerElementId + "StartFormatted"); var formattedDate2 = $("#" + datepickerElementId + "EndFormatted"); function isDate(date) { return (new Date(date) !== "Invalid Date") && !isNaN(new Date(date)); } var currentStartDate = (isDate(startDate)) ? new Date(startDate) : null; var currentEndDate = (isDate(endDate)) ? new Date(endDate) : null; if (allowWeekends === "false") { disabledDays = [0, 6]; } $("#" + datepickerElementId).daterangepicker({ locale: { separator: " - ", firstDay: 1, format: calendarDateFormat }, autoApply: true, autoUpdateInput: false, minDate: new Date(), singleDatePicker: isAvailableForSalesItems, isInvalidDate: function (date) { return checkIfDateIsInvalid(date); } }, function (start, end) { onSelect(start, end); }); if (currentStartDate && currentEndDate) { $("#" + datepickerElementId).data('daterangepicker').setStartDate(currentStartDate); $("#" + datepickerElementId).data('daterangepicker').setEndDate(currentEndDate); } function onSelect(start, end) { if (isDate(start) && formattedDate1) { formattedDate1.val(start.format(isoFormat)); formattedDate2.val(""); formattedDate1.trigger('change'); formattedDate2.trigger('change'); } if (isDate(end) && formattedDate2) { formattedDate2.val(end.format(isoFormat)); formattedDate2.trigger('change'); } var datePickerFormat = ""; if (isDate(start) && isDate(end)) { if (isAvailableForSalesItems) { datePickerFormat = start.format(userFriendlyFormat); } else { datePickerFormat = `${start.format(userFriendlyFormat)} - ${end.format(userFriendlyFormat)}`; } } $("#" + datepickerElementId).val(datePickerFormat); } function checkIfDateIsInvalid(date) { var isDisabled = false; if (!isNaN(Date.parse(date))) { if (disabledDays && disabledDays.length > 0) { var day =; isDisabled = disabledDays.indexOf(day) != -1; } if (!isDisabled && disabledDates && disabledDates.length > 0) { var formattedDate = getFormattedDate(date); if (formattedDate != false) { isDisabled = disabledDates.filter(function (disabledDate) { return getFormattedDate(disabledDate) == formattedDate; }).length; } } } return isDisabled; } function getFormattedDate(date) { var newDate = parseDate(date); if (isDate(newDate)) { var year = newDate.getFullYear(), month = (((newDate.getMonth() + 1) < 10) ? '0' : '') + (newDate.getMonth() + 1), date = ((newDate.getDate() < 10) ? '0' : '') + newDate.getDate(); return year + '-' + month + '-' + date; } return false; } function parseDate(date) { if (date instanceof Date) { return date; } var date = moment(date, ["DD/MM/YYYY", "YYYY-MM-DD", "DD-MM-YYYY"], 'en', true); if (isDate(date)) { return new Date(date); } return ""; } } ChangePurchaseType("deliver"); }); });

Features and Benefits

  • Quick charge lithium battery: Up to 9,000 shots per single charge
  • Reliable and accurate
  • Non-slip soft grip handle gives additional user comfort
  • Dual action rafter and belt hook
  • Excellent weight and balance enable extended work periods with low user fatigue
  • Multi-angled teeth nose probe prevents tool sliding and ensures positive placement
  • Easy use pinch and slide depth of drive adjustment
  • Magazine capacity of 55 nails

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Specifications and product comparison

ECOPaslode IM350+ 1st Fix Gas Nail Gun 7.4v 3.3kgHire From£54.18 / week

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ECOPaslode IM65 F16 2nd Fix Gas Nail Gun 7.4v 2.1kgHire From£65.01 / week

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Hilti DX 5-F8 Powder-Actuated Tool 3.37kgHire From£71.43 / week

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Milwaukee M18 FUEL™ 1st Fix Framing Nailer 18v 5.1...Hire FromPOA

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ECOMilwaukee M18 FUEL™ 18 GS 2nd Fix Finish Nailer 18...Hire FromPOA

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ECOHilti BX3 Nail Gun 22v 3.5kgHire From£110.36 / week

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Battery Capacity: Ah 2.1 2.1 -- -- -- 4
Battery Charge Time: min 90 90 -- -- -- 41
Battery Run Time [Max]: Hrs 9 9 -- -- -- --
Battery Type Li-ion Li-ion -- Li-ion Li-ion Li-ion
Fuel Type Battery Battery Gas Battery Battery Battery
Height: mm 305 288 180 450 -- 370
Impact Energy: J 82 30 325 -- -- --
Length: mm 370 301 478 550 -- 474
Nail Length [Max.]: mm 90 63 72 90 54 36
Product Brand Paslode Paslode Hilti Milwaukee Milwaukee Hilti
Product Model IM350+ IM65 DX 5-F8 M18FFN-0C M18FN18GS-0X BX 3
Sound Power Level: Lw dB[A] 89 103 105 101.1 81.1 Concrete: 101, Steel: 105
Sound Pressure Level: dB[A] 130 90 101 90.1 92.1 Concrete: 90, Steel: 94
Vibration Reading [HAVs]: m\s² 2.6 2.5 2.5 5.9 1.97 Concrete: 2.3, Steel: 2.2
Voltage: v 7.4 7.4 -- 18 18 22
Weight: kg 3.3 2.1 3.37 5.1 3.1 3.5
Width: mm 110 90 72 210 -- 134

Copyright © 2024 Speedy Hire Plc. All rights reserved L1-03V

Paslode 1st Fix Gas Nail Gun 7.4v 3.3Kg (2024)
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Article information

Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Last Updated:

Views: 6204

Rating: 4 / 5 (71 voted)

Reviews: 94% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.